Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dearest Boy: Month Five

Dear Jensen,

Month five has been a whopper so far - milestones being hit and surpassed left and right!

You started showing the signs of being interested in everyone else's food, so we got some baby cereal and mixed in a little milk to see what you thought.  This also involved finally being strapped into the high chair and that was super fun good times!

The spoon was a big hit - the cereal was a flop.  I've tried it and I know it tastes a bit like cardboard mixed with dirt so I can see why you just let it dribble out of your mouth and down your chin.  But that's okay - there are so many more months ahead for you to try again and until then we will give you the spoon to chew on when we put you in the chair to keep you occupied.

Your good sleeping habits are becoming not-so-good as the days go by.  Is it because you know I will come in if you make even the tiniest of squeaks?  I'm not at your beck and call because I don't want you to be upset, I sleep light, like a ninja, because if you throw a big enough fit in the middle of the night you will wake your sisters and then I have three children to deal with instead of one.  Since you are a baby and don't understand that concept, you think you are in charge.  I guess you are.

I am trying to soak up this "baby" time with you because I know it goes by so quickly.  I might hold you during naps a bit longer than I need to.  I might let you put things in your mouth that don't go there just because you are happy and those noises are such lovely noises compared to the angry squawks.

Daddy has always loved having our babies nap with him, so you will always win there.  Just don't glance over and give me the "I win!" look because at some point, when you start squirming, wiggling, and kicking him, Daddy will hand you back to me and the fun times will be over because I put you in your own bed to avoid being bludgeoned.

We've been working on getting a routine going at work, since you have been here with us for a few months. That is probably one of the hardest things to do, as the work place really isn't set up for babies.  Sometimes it is hard for adults to adjust to the work place.  But that is another story for another time.

You are doing okay with morning naps between 9 and 10 and afternoon naps between 1 and 2, but the length of the actual nap is whatever you want it to be that day.  Some are as short as a half-hour and others as long as almost three hours.  It is tricky to plan out a work day based on your sleep patterns, so as soon as you are asleep, I have to tackle my most pressing task and try to complete it with minimal mistakes because who knows when you'll wake up!

Because you can roll all the way over, you want to be free all of the time - free to do what you want when you want.  You haven't figured out that rolling isn't getting you very far, but that doesn't stop you from fussing until we put you down on your play mat.  Like most other things, the fun on the floor is short lived and you want someone to pick you up once you have flipped over a time or two.

Sometimes, I use you as a paper weight because I can.

A big highlight of this month has been the giggling.  Oh, does that melt a mama's heart!  It doesn't matter what it is that makes you laugh, we will keep doing it to hear that sweet sound (so much better than screaming!) come out of your little body!

Another month has passed with so many things accomplished and so many more you are working on!

I love to watch you learn and grow and am so thankful that God gave us you, this unique little person to fill our lives with happiness and wonder.


Your Mama