Friday, April 12, 2013

Dearest Boy: Month Four

Dear Jensen,

Month four has been a doozy.  

You sleep a little more soundly these days, but your naps are all out of sorts.  There is a very finite window of time to get you to sleep in the morning and if that window is missed, that nap ceases to exist.  And then you look like this:

The pictures don't do them justice, but your deep blue eyes are getting a bit of brown to them.  It is very faint right now and mainly around your pupil, but it is definitely there.  Your dad is practically wetting his pants in excitement of a possibly brown-eyed baby.  He was feeling left out with these blue-eyed Norwegian girls we've been producing.  Finally, he got the boy he has always (secretly) wanted and people keep telling him that you look like he did when he was little.  So to make his life complete, could you change your eyes all the way to brown?  Maybe solve a little world hunger crisis and illiteracy while you're at it?  That's not asking too much, is it?  Good.

As is the tradition at four months, you got to visit Dr. Cook.  Boy did you ham it up for him this time - showing off your babbling skills and making a terrific mess out of the paper on the exam table.  I'm pretty sure you ingested a small piece or two, but you seemed happy about it and I never saw it again so you must have an iron stomach.

I wanted to be able to quote your stats here, but I somehow lost the little sheet Dr. Cook handed me before your appointment was over.  Several months later, at your next check up, I asked him for your four month stats and Dr. Cook happily scribbled them out for me again.  So here they are:

weight:  14 lbs. 14 oz.  (40%)
height:  25 1/4 inches  (50%)
head:  16 1/2 inches  (50%)

Your happy bath demeanor continues and you start to wiggle when we get into the bathroom and pull the shower curtain back.  It is a little harder to contain you in that tiny tub because you realize you can kick hard and splash big and wave your arms around which totally impedes my ability to wash any part of you.  Is this what mama octopuses go through when trying to bathe their young?  I suppose they live in water and their babies are clean all the time so it's a moot point.

The question most asked by anyone who meets you is - "does he always smile so much?"  Heck yes, you do.  You love an audience and will converse in babble talk with anyone that makes eye contact with you.  You go to sleep happy, you wake up happy, you are generally happy.  It's fantastic and Daddy and I are beyond thankful that this is who you are!

My one negative comment for this month is the groping.

I think the Man Code DNA is beginning to kick in and so you have begun to put your hand up or down my shirt at your leisure.  At first it was funny, then it started happening often enough for me to become a bit embarrassed (in public), and now you are just obnoxious about it.  As long as we are at home, I will let it slide (no pun intended?) but in public you could be a bit less handsy.  The picture above is tame compared to what your normal moves look like, but if you are nursing it is part of the routine and if you are happy and eating than I am happy for you.

Well, little boy, your world is changing and growing right along with you.  You totally dig the play mat and have attempted and almost accomplished a belly to back roll.

This milestone is right around the corner and that means more baby-proofing and actually having to have eyes on you at all times when not strapped into one of your various chairs.  I'm mentally preparing myself for the change, but kind of wish you could hold off a little longer and just be a lazy baby.

But I will take a busy, happy baby over a little lump any day if he looks like you!
Happy 1/3 birthday, buddy boy.


Your Mama

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