Friday, July 12, 2013

Dearest Boy: Month Seven

Dear Jensen Lou-Who,

This month marks the introduction of smiling and subsequently closing your eyes for the camera.  For every good eyes-open picture you give me, I also get four eyes-closed pictures.  I'm thankful for the digital cameras and camera phones because if this was 1985, I would have an entire roll of what appears to be a blind child.

A blind child who has a bird's nest growing on top of their head.

You have always enjoyed bath time, no doubt about it, but now you have figured out that you can move around in your little tub and drive your mother nuts.

It is extremely difficult to keep a hold of a soapy baby who feels a desperate need to pull the drain stop out of the bottom of the tub.  Believe me - I've tried and I've failed!  And just when I think you are going to sit nicely so that I can rinse you, you hop up and try to throw yourself over the edge of the tub onto the bath mat.

I realize that the pictures I've taken make it seem as though I let you do what you want, but that was a one-time thing so that I could document your glee.  I had one hand free at all times to catch you and sit you down...I swear.

This seventh month of your life has been pretty great.  You are such a happy boy and love to be where the action is.  Usually that is in whatever room your big sister's have made a colossal mess in which doesn't matter to you as you are bound to add to the mess.

As is tradition with my children, you are in love with the brown rubber door-stop in your bedroom.  You wait until I am busy doing something that doesn't involve you and hurriedly crawl down the hallway to dislodge that disgusting wedge from under your door.  I have practically hammered it under there in hopes you won't be able to wiggle it out, but you always do.  It's kind of gross, but keeps you entertained for another five minutes of cleaning time!

 You are still sporting those two bottom teeth with no signs of any other guys coming in.  I feel like this is a good thing because teething babies are SO MUCH FUN to be around.  When your teeth started poking through last month, you decided to bite everything - mostly me - and slept so poorly that you spent most nights in our bed, robbing us of sleep as well!

I love ya, kid, but I love sleep more.  Ask Nana and Papa, they'll back me up!

Baby cakes, you are the best little ray of sunshine that I could ask for each day.  You make everyone around you smile and your giggle is music to my ears.

I am hanging on to these days where you can be with me all day long because I know how fleeting this time will be for us! 

Now, let's work on getting back to being "just friends" instead of "bunk mates".


Your Mama

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