Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dearest Boy: Month Ten

Dear Jensen,

Welcome to little boyhood!

You are no longer looking much like a baby and I can't believe how close we are getting to your birthday.  I'm happy and sad at the same time.  I'm shappy.

Something inside of you has clicked over from that neutral 'baby' phase to the actual 'boy' phase.  You growl, you grunt, you like to bang toys together and push cars around.  It is completely foreign and really fun!

We are now looking into finding more toys that are suited to you.  Things with wheels, tools (mostly hammers and saws), and "action figures" because God forbid you have something that can be mistaken for a doll!

Your sisters have a nice collection of little cars from Happy Meals at McDonald's, and they will suffice for now in that department, but the only 'tools' we have are the silverware from their Disney Princess tea party. You have zero interest in the teapot, teacups, and plates and immediately dig to the bottom of the basket for the knives and forks.  Then you stab things or just crawl around the house with one or two utensils hanging out of your mouth.  It's pretty darn cute.

Speaking of cute, you are a total cheeser.  You know when I am about to take a picture, will stop whatever dangerous stunt you were attempting, turn and smile for me.  I think you have the innate sense of picture time and are pose-ready at a moment's notice.  Now people will know why I have so many pictures of you and fewer of the girls - they hide from me when I want a picture and you bask in the limelight!

The ability to turn on the self-portrait option on my phone's camera means that you can see yourself. Boy, do you love you some you!  Your first instinct is to grab the phone and eat the baby that you see in there, but when I point out that it is Jensen in there, you coo and babble to him.

This month you also figured out that you have a tongue and like to show it to people, lick things (that you shouldn't), and try to grab it.  Your tongue is a fun built-in entertainer, but I have now been caught off guard and licked way too many times to count!  

Your independence is growing, and you are not so fond of being picked up all the time.  Now we have to live by your rules and wait until you want to be held otherwise you turn into an angry badger and bite/kick your way out of our arms.  But when you need to be held, suddenly you are cuddly and nice. And if no one does what you want, there is a lot of screaming and bouncing up and down.  All of these things happen more than a handful of times per day - it's getting harder to keep up with your wants!

I enjoy your squishy "duck-face" as Daddy likes to call it and like that I know that it means you aren't perfectly pleased with something.  I like that you are vocal with grunts and growls about what you want because who knows when you are going to formulate the words to tell me!  I like that you sleep in longer than anyone else in the house - it makes week day mornings that much easier to manage.  

And I especially like you, my little booger.


Your Mama

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