Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dearest Boy: Month Twelve

Dear Jensen,

On the morning you were born, you came into this world hollering,

so to commemorate that special day one year ago, the girls and I decided to sing to you.  I think our version of happy birthday is much nicer than yours!

So many things that we have all learned about you in these past twelve months!  You are independent and let people know when you don't want their help.  If you had words, it would be more civilized, but you don't have words so you just scream like a tea kettle until people leave you alone. 

You love to laugh.  You are constantly trying to play peek-a-boo or hide your face so you can be surprised when you see someone looking at you.  This is a lot of fun for everyone because your little giggle is hilarious! No one make you laugh as hard as your Daddy does, but I know all the fun tickle spots and can get you going pretty good myself.  We know this won't last forever, so we are constantly doing what we can to make you smile!

You have learned that if you hold your arms up, someone will pick you up.  You aren't really particular about who it is, but if you are currently being held and want someone else to hold you, you just turn to them and hold your arms out in their direction until they get the hint.  The taller the person, the better, so that you are high enough to see everything and everyone below you.  This is part of being a toddler and being busy - you want to be a part of everything at all times and being held means you are right in the mix.  You make it funny by switching "holders" every 30 seconds or so.

You love hugs.  You are, by far, my best hugger at this age.  Freya didn't really want to be held, Ilsa was good for a quick squeeze, but she would fold her arms in and let you do all the work.  You, on the other hand, put your little arms around my neck and nestle in.  I love it!  There is nothing more validating to a parent of their child's fondness for them than a good hug.  Sure, you understand the concept of giving kisses, but like all children your age, they are open-mouthed, sloppy, and not really all that desirable.  But your hugs?  Ooh, they are enough to keep this mama happy until I see your little chubby face and need another one!

My sweetest baby boy, I really could not have asked God for a better little guy to round out our family.  I look at you and imagine what your Daddy was like as a baby because you are the spitting image of him.  I also wonder what you are going to bring to this world as you grow.  Will you enjoy sports?  Are you going to be a Lego loving guy?  Will you be obsessed with anything that has wheels?  Will you collect bugs or comic books or both? 

No matter who you decide to be, you are very loved and always will be.

Happy first birthday, Jensen John.

Love Always,

Your Mama

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